Images of Clémence Poésy during her stay in South Africa in December 2006. Clémence Poésy is a French actress most famous for playing Fleur Delacour in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I met her in Capetown where she was shooting a new movie for french cinemas.
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Images of Clémence Poésy during her stay in South Africa in December 2006. Clémence Poésy is a French actress most famous for playing Fleur Delacour in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I met her in Capetown where she was shooting a new movie for french cinemas.
Clémence Poésy
Clémence Poésy ist eine französiche Schauspielerin, die unter anderem durch den Film Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch bekannt wurde.