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Photos of "West Australian Metals" principal asset: the Marenica Uranium Project located in the uranium rich Damaran Province in Namibia. Images show trenches, pits, Uranium mineralisation of Marenica Project. The project covers 706sq kms, with high prospectivity for both secondary and primary uranium deposits. , Reiseberichte, Fotos, Bilder, Reiseinformation, Reisetipps weltweit. Schreiben Sie Ihren Reisebericht. Zeigen Sie Fotos und Bilder online. Reiseerfahrung mit anderen teilen!
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West Australian Metals - Uranium Fever / Images of Namibia

Photos of "West Australian Metals" principal asset: the Marenica Uranium Project located in the uranium rich Damaran Province in Namibia. Images show trenches, pits, Uranium mineralisation of Marenica Project. The project covers 706sq kms, with high prospectivity for both secondary and primary uranium deposits.

"West Australian Metals"

Namibia gilt als reichstes Uranförder Land der Welt. Der Rohstoff wird immer knapper und teurer. Immer mehr Firmen interessieren sich für den Abbau von Uran. Eine davon ist die West Austrlalien Metals - wie der Name schon sagt, stammt die Firma aus Australien. Man ist bereits fündig geworden in Namibia und will rasch mit dem Abbau beginnen. Die Bilder zeigen, wie Uran als Rohstoff aussieht - gelblich.

West Australian Metals is an Australian Stock Exchange listed company with its major focus being the discovery and development of uranium deposits. Photos show the Prospecting Licence 3287 in Namibia. Images show trenches, pits, Uranium mineralisation, Marenica Project, Namibia

Exclusive Prospecting Licence 3287 covers the Marinica Uranium Deposit which is located in the central portion of the Republic of Namibia (Figure 1.). The licence which was granted for a 3 year period commencing 30 November of 2005 for the exploration of Base and Rare Metals, Precious Metals and Nuclear Fuel Groups of Minerals covers approximately 706 sq km's. It lies in the same uranium bearing province as major uranium projects such as the Rossing Uranium Mine and the Langer Heinrich Palaeochannel deposit.

In April of 2006, Mr Jaco Floris Smith entered a Joint Venture agreement with West Australian Metals Ltd (WME) where by WME can earn an 80% interest in EPL 3287 by spending N$1,500,000 on exploration. The formation of the Joint Venture received Ministerial approval on 31 May 2006.

Due to high uranium prices in the 1970's, Namibia underwent considerable exploration for uranium particularly along a 100km wide corridor extending east from the coast. The Geological Survey of Namibia flew several airborne radiometric surveys which outlined a number of potential targets. Rio Tinto, Anglo America, Western Mining and Goldfields all conducted exploration in the region that delineated various hard rock, palaeochannel and calcrete deposits.

Previous exploration on EPL3287 notably by General Mining and Finance Corporation outlined several uraniferous palaeochannels. The largest is the Marenica which was discovered by reconnaissance drilling in the 1970's. It is reported to extend over a length of 17 kilometres and varies from 300 to 1000 meters in width. Drilling in four anomalous areas (Anomalies 1 to 4, Figure 2.) yielded a general thickness of between 3 and 5 metres with the highest intersection returning 8.1 metres at 480g/t U3O8.

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Autor: Mark Peters
erstellt: 10.04.2007
gelesen: 3423 mal
Stichworte: Namibia, West Australian Metals, Uran

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