London Bilder / Fotos: Terror-Angriff auf LondonTerror in London.Es gab gleich mehrere Terroranschläge. Bilder einer Stadt im Ausnahmezustand. Fotos von einem zerstörten Doppeldecker Bus. Bilder aus der City. Fotos aus dem Zentrum. Explosionen in verschiedenen Bussen und in der U-Bahn. Bomben und Terror - Alarm!
In mehreren Bussen sind Bomben explodiert. Mehrere U-Bahn-Stationen wurden evakuiert. Auch dort kam es zu Detonationen. Tote und unglaublich viele Verletzte! Der Finanzdistrikt wurde abgesperrt. Verkehrschaos in der City. Ratlose Menschen überall.Aldgate Station
Kings Cross
Russell Square
Liverpool Street
Edgware Road
Tavistock Square
The entire Tube network has been shut down and police have confirmed blasts at four sites: Russell Square and Kings Cross Underground; Moorgate, Aldgate, and Liverpool Street Underground; Edgware Road Underground; and Tavistock Square where there has been a confirmed explosion on a bus.
One witness said the packed underground train he was on was 200 metres from King's Cross when there was a huge flash.
The train stopped and people were using umbrellas to smash windows of the trains. Passengers were led out of the train by underground staff.
He added people were milling around King's Cross covered in soot.