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Geheimnisvolle Südsee-Insel, von der Außenwelt abgeschnitten. Ehemalige deutsche Kolonie östlich von Papua Neuguinea - das ist Bougainville! Der ideale Fleck für Abenteurer und alle, die jenseits abgetretender Pfade Südsee erleben wollen: Auf Bougainville herrscht Anarchie! Die Insel Bougainville, benannt nach ihrem Entdecker Louis-Antoine de Bougainville, gehört zu Papua-Neuguinea und damit zur wilden, weit entlegenen Südsee. Bis 1914 war Bougainville deutsche Kolonie. , Reiseberichte, Fotos, Bilder, Reiseinformation, Reisetipps weltweit. Schreiben Sie Ihren Reisebericht. Zeigen Sie Fotos und Bilder online. Reiseerfahrung mit anderen teilen!
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Bougainville Island

Statement der Rebellen zur Kupfermine Panguna Mine

Statement by the MDF regarding Development of the Panguna Mine

Any Company, whether the RTZ or any Company who is interested to come to Bougainville and re-open the Panguna mine or any new mining on the Island constitutes a biggest threat to the environment and the people's lives. Mekamui Government stand is there will be no mining on the Island.

The mining area [Panguna] is control by the Mekamui Government and his military Arm the Mekamui Defence Force and is a NO GO Zone area. The PNG Government and his foreign counterpart are so concern about the No Go Zone and wanted the roadblock removed. The question is Why? Ever since the signing of the peace aggreement, the Mekamui Government and the MDF didn't disrupt the peace procees and didn't up to this date fire their guns indiscriminately. The people from the No Go Zone come to Town and attend schools and other activities as other peace procees areas. We believe they want to re-open the mine and they are so concern, they could just go up to the mine area give the Landowners a piece of cake [money] and promise them this and that spend a few millions and re-open the mine and destruction plus destruction.

The Mekamui Government and his military arm MDF will not let this happen, enough is enough. Land is our mother, Land is our lifeline, Land is our future.

Clive [ MDF ]

Zerstörtes Paradies
Papua Neuguinea - die Zeitmaschine
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Autor: Andi Karr
erstellt: 15.01.2005
gelesen: 26614 mal
Stichworte: Bougainville, Papua Neuguinea

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